The Uses and Health Benefits of
Essential Oil of Clove Spice

Due to its natural antiseptic and analgesic properties, people have long used oil of clove for treating a wide range of ailments. 

One popular use, backed up with numerous medical studies, is in the use of clove oil for toothache, and today this is a popular home remedy for pain relief. 

Essential Oil of Clove and Its Uses

picture of clove oil

You'll often find this oil added to toothpaste, throat lozenges, mouthwash and other oral hygiene products.

In modern dentistry, it's eugenol, one of the active ingredients of the clove spice, that is used for pain relief and antiseptic purposes.

Caryophyllene, another ingredient, is also thought to have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Interestingly, caryophyllene is also found in black peppercorns giving them their spicy bite.

Note: The actual whole spice and ground powder also have tons of health benefits. Click to read more.

Some Other Uses of Clove Essential Oil

  • Some cotton wool soaked in the oil applied to the bad tooth may soothe the ache
  • Applied externally, oil of clove can be applied to warts and acne as well as other skin irritations
  • It's also been shown to be of use on athlete's foot and other fungal infections
  • As a natural antiseptic, it can be effective in treating bee stings and insect bites as well as cuts and bruises
  • In traditional Chinese medicine it was used to soothe stomach and digestive problems
  • Diluted in water, African healers use it to treat nausea and diarrhoea
  • Useful in the treatment of pneumonia and strep throat
  • It may help reduce blood sugar levels
  • The essence is often used in the making of many perfumes and scents
  • Traditional medics often prescribe a cup of potent clove tea for a whole range of ailments. Click for a recipe
  • It's a key ingredient in incense

Note: this extract is very strong and potent, and you should be careful using it either internally or externally, so follow the instructions. 

Image Links to Other Essential Oils You May Enjoy

Turmeric Oil From the Healthiest Spice of All

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