The Numerous Ginger Health Benefits

For nearly five thousand years, people have been using ginger to calm and cure a number of different ailments. The ginger health benefits were well known to the ancient Chinese and Indians, and from these countries, eventually, its use spread to Europe.

Today, medical studies are proving this ancient wisdom holds true today and there are multitudes of ways that it can help improve your health.

Ginger Health Benefits

Ginger root picture

The active ingredients in ginger are found in its oils, shogaol and gingerol.

These are also what give ginger its distinctive taste.

The oils trigger production of digestive enzymes and neutralize stomach acid, which can explain why one of the most common uses is in the treatment of stomach complaints.

Ginger Health Benefits...

  • This spice has strong anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a natural painkiller
  • New research has shown it can help stop prostaglandins from swelling blood vessels and causing pain, so it is a useful tool in alleviating migraine symptoms
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties can also make it helpful in treating arthritis pain
  • As it's a natural decongestant, in the Philippines you can buy ginger throat lozenges to relieve a sore throat
  • In China, women blend ginger tea and brown sugar to ease the pain of menstrual cramps

Actually, one of the best ways to get more of it is to make a drink from the root...

The Many Health Benefits of Ginger Tea...

  • It acts as an instant cure for heartburn
  • You can use it to help your body break down fatty foods and proteins, and to help eliminate gas
  • It can help lessen the pain of ulcerative colitis
  • It can cure motion sickness and any other form of nausea, including stomach flu or food poisoning
  • It is also safe for use if pregnant and can help alleviate morning sickness

So a tasty cup of tea made from the root can help ease so many symptoms of a miserable winter cold or a bout of flu. You can also drink it any time just for its vitamin and mineral content.

If you are interested in making a cup, you can get a simple recipe here.

Current Research Into Potential Uses

Today, studies are showing that it may even have cancer-fighting abilities and help people with diabetes.

The University of Michigan has discovered the powder can help kill off ovarian cancer cells.

Whilst another study has shown it has the ability to hinder the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Early research shows that it helps reduce the damage to kidneys caused by diabetes.

How to get more in your diet...

You can get the most of ginger health benefits in many ways, either by using the fresh root or ground powder in your home cooking or making a tea.

Another popular way is to use the powder to make homemade blends and mixes and quite a few of my recipes make use of it. You can get these recipes on the links on the left.

You can also grow it if you have a greenhouse or live in a tropical climate. Click for my growing tips.

Note: Whilst it is universally recognized as safe, it can react with some medications and should not be used by anyone with gallstones.

Other Health Uses of Herbs and Spices

  • Oregano Oil - Contains cavacrol which has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities

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