Cooking Spices - Adding Fabulous Aromas and Flavours to Your Home Cooking!

When using herbs and spices freshness is the key, and these homemade cooking spices are guaranteed to add mouthwatering taste, colour and aroma to your home cooking.

Commercial powders and blends are often dull in colour and bland in taste and don't really add much flavour. But you don't have these problems when making your own! Just natural blends with massive flavour, superb aromas and great colours!

Click on the Thumbnail Images below for your favourite recipes...

A Collection of Your Favourite Cooking Spices

Note: If you have them available, use whole ingredients where possible for these recipes, but if it is more convenient you can substitute with pre-ground powders. If you do use pre-ground, reduce the amount the recipe recommends by half. For example, if it says 2 tablespoons whole cumin seeds, you would use 1 tablespoon ground cumin etc.

So Why Make Cooking Spices Yourself?

Commercial brands tend to contain additives, preservatives and artificial colourings.

Plus some brands also tend to use the low quality, cheaper ingredients as filler, usually husks, corn flour, salt and/or chili powder to bulk up the quantity.

So in brief making your own means...

  • Far superior taste and flavours for your recipes
  • You control the ingredients and quantities
  • Doesn't take much time and it's enjoyable!
  • No added nasty extras
  • Fresher herbs and spices mean more health benefits

Note: To maximise flavours and aromas, lightly toasting and grinding your whole ingredients is recommended.

See my cooking with spices page for tips and photos on this.

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Jason Pitcher

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